Yvette Cooper just made me LOL then have a coughing fit! She has no sense of IRONY or self-knowledge!

Posted: July 27, 2016 in Musings, Uncategorized
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From The Guardian:  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jul/27/labour-party-worker-low-pay-zero-hours-owen-smith?

Labour was formed as the party of the worker. But we’ve forgotten who that is


Yvette Cooper MP:
“Labour needs to keep up. We are losing our traditional support as the working class fragments and people’s sense of identity changes. Trade unions aren’t reaching those in insecure work, including those who need workplace representation and protection most. The Labour party is neither inspiring those who want to get on, nor empowering those who feel angry at the lack of control they have over their lives.”

Hehehehe… OMG… Irony overload from Mrs Ed Balls!

Let’s just remind ourselves who she is…
Yvette, you are an Oxbridge educated career politician speaking on behalf of a cabal of other Oxbridge educated career politicians that form the bulk of the anti-Corbyn PLP plot.
You stood as a “heavy weight” leadership candidate 10 months ago and got trounced by the membership!
The Labour party was indeed formed to ensure that for every banker, aristocrat and boss sitting on the green benches, there would be a docker, a miner, factory worker and a steelworker sitting opposite.
Since that time our economy has changed, but where are the MPs from the call centres, care homes and warehouses?
Oh! They’ve been elbowed out by the likes YOU and your permanent political class.
Big-Pharma Pfizer & Amgen professional PR Lobbyist Owen “Man of the People” Smith, the poor man’s Sgt Bilko, is a figure firmly of YOUR establishment.

My support goes to Jeremy Corbyn the last remaining hope to reclaim a party for it’s roots in SOCIALISM & the WORKING CLASSES.

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