Posts Tagged ‘Craig Murray’


THIS IS FOR ALL OF YOU – Please read and SHARE.

This explains how your opinions are being formed, played and manipulated by Foreign Billionaires into clambering for War in Syria.

The source here is from “VETERANS FOR PEACE UK” on Facebook.

This blog link ( ) explains EXACTLY why the PSYCHOPATH Rupert Murdoch and his minions Rebekah Brooks and prime-puppet David Cameron are escalating the push for all out War in Syria.

Rothschild’s Genie Energy ( Link: ) has “permission” to drill in Syria’s Golan Heights and Rothschild’s GENIE ENERGY in Kurdistan which is now the main exporter of crude oil towards Western refineries in Turkey.

ISIS/ISIL/ DAESH in Iraq conveniently destroyed all Iraqi state pipeline network infrastructures which were enabling Iraqi state to sell its own northern oil around Mossul.
How convenient is Daesh to the Rothschild and Israel???
Before the rise of Daesh (in which the west have the utmost responsibility) Iraq refused to sell oil to Israel in support to the Palestinian struggle.
Now, through GENiE ENERGY, Israel imports 2/3 of its oil from Kurdistan … And guess who is the main supporter for the recognition to an “independant” Kurdistan ? Benyamin Netanyahu of course …

From the Turkish port of Ceyhan, oil is shipped towards Cyprus and then to Ashkelon and Ashodot where it is stocked and refined by PAZ OIL (Which had been created by the Rothschild back in the day and is now bigger than the Israeli state company).

Imagine, an oil rich Kurdistan supplying oil to Israel in the middle of Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran of course! What a better excuse for more wars ?

I also read that the Iraqi state complained on what is a blatant theft of Iraq’s resources by the Rothschilds.

Rebekah Brooks, first day back on the job for the heinous ginger c*nt and the shit rag Sun paper begins ramping up the War rhetoric on the orders of her psychopathic FOREIGN boss Rupert Murdoch who is playing this country’s Prime Minister like a fuckin puppet.

Wake Up! We’re sleepwalking into yet another OIL war!

Its all interlinked with US Vanguard Group inc.

Dick Cheney was also a member of Genie Energy Corporation Strategic Advisory Board.

Dick Cheney (Halliburton), had close to $85 million invested in the Vanguard Group.

Rupert Murdoch is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of News Corp.

Vanguard Group Inc held 85,939,439 shares on 12/31/2012 worth $2,192,315,109 in News Corp.

John Kerrys wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, has over $3,500,001 stake in General Electric Co.

Biggest stakeholder in General Electric Co is Vanguard Group:

Jul 30, 2012
The board of directors of General Electric Co. has elected John J. Brennan as an independent member of the company’s board of directors.

Brennan is chairman emeritus and a senior advisor of The Vanguard Group Inc.

Vangaurd got Investments in every going concern.

Raytheon, for example #5 15,664,626 $920,923,362

This from 2013:

‘Raytheon stock nears all-time high amid news of possible cruise-missile strike in Syria

Stock shares of perennial defense contracting powerhouse Raytheon hit nearly $77 apiece Tuesday as news of a possible US strike in Syria intensified. The US has said if it strikes Syrian government targets for alleged use of chemical weapons, it would likely use Tomahawk cruise missiles from warships positioned in the Mediterranean. Raytheon is responsible for making and selling the bulk of the long-range, subsonic missiles to the US government.’

John Kerry spouse, Teresa Heinz Kerry, holdings.

3. Raytheon Co. $960,010 – $2,200,000

• Raytheon Co. received $11,662,797,975 in government contracts for fiscal year 2007, including a total of approx. $10 billion from the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

US goes to war, they the politicians get return on investments from the very instruments that do the killing.

That’s how the game works.

A shocking tale of torture and indifference. UK diplomat Craig Murray.

Audio Interview: (approx. 43mins)

Lifelong diplomat Craig Murray had a career-ending experience as “Our Man in Tashkent” when he reported widespread use of torture and other malpractice by the ruling authorities in Uzbekistan.

He came unstuck when he sought support from his bosses in London, and particularly the then Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw.

Murray’s tale is not for the weak-hearted or for people who support the actions of those whistle-blowers who speak out when they see wrong-doing, expecting to be backed by their bosses.

Here the former UK Ambassador recounts his experience to Derek Bateman, examining the legacy of New Labour legacy in a week when revelations about state-sanctioned torture by the CIA under Bush /Cheney further threatens the reputation of the Blair government.

Reblogged from Bateman Broadcasting

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